Intelligence Delegation and Future

Arpit Singh
2 min readJan 27, 2021

Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make, makes you. — John C Maxwell

You are standing at a crossroad, at one end you see a fully functional AI entity and at the other end, a human. The bias in your choices now not only depend on your intuitions but also on what side you are looking at.

Flowing in this flight of imagination, you spend a whole week with the AI entity, and this continuum from self to an AI driven self has now given you a perspective propelling you to change your side to the human. What this week of learning has also done to you, is a dependency on the AI for many of your daily decisions you may encounter. You again find yourself at the crossroad, but this time the inclination has shifted further away from the human side.

Now imagine there being a million such individuals, the only difference between the sides of the road that those million individuals are looking at is, a strong interconnected manifold of AI entities and on the other end, a dispersed crowd of humans, society, government bodies, struggling to find a nichè for you.

You have went deep into the rabbit hole now, cheap doses of dopamine has made you a digital refugee, the wave of innovation has consumed the very purpose it was supposed to solve in the first place. We have to prepare for a revolution that is already happening.

There will be survivors. But why this very design tends to be a threat to many and gives promises to the few. Those who survive are the ones who would have adapted and most importantly practiced the truth more than just theorising it.

The mind is nothing without the body and the body is nothing without the world. Body would be just a bunch of muscles starving for action in a no-world situation, and the mind, devoid of narrative, could paralyse into nothingness.

How this philosophy relates to an AI centric world? Well, the volume and flow of information is seamlessly being catered to by data guided by technological advancements in telecommunication. The information that such platforms generate, conjugate with the spatial information of one’s life, adding to the further complexity and questioning the very concept of anthropocentrism. In simple terms, the spatial perspective of the world is somehow being driven by AI, giving body/mind an angle, it may/may not be ready for, leading to choices that might not be a suitable extension of the human consciousness.

The kind of actions that could draw body perpetually into an intellectual mode , in translation with time, is now being guided by artificial entities. What are the possible consequences in the coming future? We humans, invented hope, so maybe this too shall pass. (:

Thanks for reading!



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